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Shaky Beats 2019: An Interview with GG Magree

This year at Shaky Beats Music Festival, I had the privilege to sit down with Australian vocalist, producer, and bass DJ, GG Magree. Since her break-through collaboration with Zeds Dead and NGHTMRE, “Frontlines”, GG has had no trouble making herself known in the EDM scene. Her multi-talented repertoire has earned her spots on some of the biggest music festival lineups, including Sunset, EDC Mexico, Ubbi Dubbi, Wobbleland and many more! Read about her background, experience working with other artists, and advice working in the EDM scene below!


Nick: How are you enjoying Shaky Beats?

GG: I literally landed at 9:00am this morning from LA, went back to my hotel, made some edits to my set, then came straight here, played and then went straight to the press tent. The festival in itself is so pretty, it’s in the middle of a park in the middle of a city, it couldn’t be better than this.

Nick: You wouldn’t think Atlanta, right??

GG: No, I never know what to think when I think Atlanta though. This is my first Shaky Beats but every time I come to Atlanta, I never spend enough time here (which I hate). I landed today and was saying how I wish I had another day here, but I fly out this afternoon to Mexico.

Nick: Aw man, well we’re glad to have you here today! So let me ask a little bit about your background, what did you do before you started traveling for shows and DJing?

GG: Well, I was in university studying property economics.

Nick: What does that entail?

GG: It’s talking about surveying property, the prices of properties, and where you think properties are going to go. There’s also determining what a property is worth…

Nick: Wow, ok!

GG: Yeah, I’m kinda smart. I don’t know I was just obsessed with buildings!

Nick: Fair enough, well when did you start producing then?

GG: Probably about 5 years ago, I started getting into making music. It’s been a pretty natural progression, I started DJing, then started singing, I’m not a fire producer but I can produce.

Nick: What?? Don’t say that.

GG: I have to, I work with so many people in the studio and they’re so f***ing good! They’re always saying you know “but GG you can write and sing”, and I know that but ugh. And I’m learning guitar at the moment as well, so I’m not going to be all like “I’m great at guitar”. I feel like until I’m at the top of my game, I’m always going to belittle myself. Cause people are always saying that they’re good at something and I’m always the person to say that I’m not good at that, like the opposite actually. You know we’re always our worst critiques.

Nick: Totally. Well you definitely put your all into your sets and your music, and it really shows.

GG: Thank you so much!

Nick: Of course! Alright, shifting gears, I need to know what it was like working with NGHTMRE and Zeds Dead on your track “Frontlines”.

GG: Well I just toured with Zeds Dead for a year straight last year, so they’re like my brothers. They’re the nicest dudes, Dylan was born like two days before me so we’re super tight. And no one would ever give a bad word about Tyler he’s the nicest dude in the world. They’re just so nice and so comforting, and every time I would say “guys do you like this?” they would always be like “YES, STOP IT”. You know, they’d always see me at festivals and make sure that I’m doing good, they really just take care of me. It’s really cool in the music industry to feel like one of the boys.

Nick: So, right now, what is going on in your life in terms of future shows, festivals and projects that you’re working on?

GG: So much s***. I have a single coming out in about a month, a collaboration with a rapper, three remixes dropping, and an EP.

Nick: That IS a lot!

GG: Everyone’s asking about what’s going on, and I’m like “EVERYTHING”. I was kinda quiet last year because I spent a year just doing shows and figuring out my sound, I didn’t want to start just throwing out music. And feel like a lot of people do because it goes hand-in-hand, you play shows; you throw out music. I wanted to really make sure that the music I put out really represented my project. So, this stuff, I’ve never felt more confident about what I’m putting out. We’re in the process of doing new vocals and laying new stuff down, and I listen to it and want to cry I’m so happy. I’ve never ever felt that way about anything. I’m that person that says “listen to this” all the time, like I’m that annoying person. Like when you put out something you might feel skeptical about it, but I’m sure of what I’m putting out and that it’s good.

Nick: That’s so great, well before I let you go, I have one more question. As one of the most bad-a** female producers in the game, what advice do you have for the other women trying to make it in the EDM world?

GG: Be a bad b*****! Don’t have any boundaries, no limitations, just do you! I’m a psychopath, I jump around like a bunny on stage, I just do whatever I want and people like it. So if you just do what naturally comes to you, then you’re solid. Don’t shield yourself from others, don’t do what you think other people want, do what you want. Make music for yourself, just be you, and people will either f*** with you or they won’t. And if they don’t, then that’s cool, be true to yourself and everything will work itself out.


Interview by Nicholas Gerace

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