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CMF Advanced Screening: Perks of Being a Station Manager

Here’s a little lesson in networking: if you do something for someone, there is a strong chance he/she will do something for you in return. “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.” This kind of reciprocity is what got me in a dark room with nine other people while we watched an advanced screening of the Campus Movie Fest finale. I had helped record a Public Service Announcement for CMF to be played on WUSC, and this was my repayment. Pretty cool, right? If you want a little sneak preview of what you’ll see tonight during the actual CMF Finale, here’s a hint: a mood stabilizer may be required. The tones of the films vary drastically, from funny to thrilling to contemplative. After watching the selections back to back for an evening, I was left reeling. The themes explored had a wide range: dealing with death, survival in an apocalyptic world, self-exploration, or the humor in the every day. So prepare to feel a variety of emotions, and to remind yourself “My peers made that.” That was the best part for me. I have a hard time sitting quietly through movies as it is, but it was especially challenging not to jump up and shout “THAT’S A DJ! THAT’S MY DJ!” during the screening. As Station Manager of the radio, being a Mother Hen comes with the territory. The DJs at WUSC are already busy, talented people--they plan a two hour show each week, they cultivate on-air personalities, and they become musical connoisseurs in their preferred genres. Now add to that list qualifications like “scriptwriter,” “cinematographer,” and “filmmaker.” WUSC DJs run the gamut. We don’t seek out these creative types; they come to us, with bright ideas for specialty shows and unique contributions that make the station greater than it already is. That’s what the Campus Movie Fest is all about. It capitalizes on the creativity that pulses on college campuses. It tests its participants to make a movie in a week. Script it, shoot it, score it, and edit it in just a few days. As I was able to glimpse this week, USC students definitely rose to this challenge. There were some films that blew me away with their superb camera work, or highly polished script (or both). Anyone watching the finale tonight will undoubtedly feel proud to know that the students behind these films walk among us every day. I know that’s how I felt. I’m lucky enough to not only call many of the CMF contributors fellow DJs, but also friends. In that case, if you’re in the crowd tonight, kindly ignore any outbursts from yours truly. Though I have already seen all of the films before, my good friend Mother Hen isn’t the quietest. The Campus Movie Fest Finale Screening is Thursday, 2/12/2015 at 7:30pm in the Russell House Ballroom. Entry is free with a Carolina Card.

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