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Percent Night at Mellow Mushroom


Percent Night at Mellow Mushroom!

In the year 1729, shortly after the WUSC radio tower was erected on top of Columbia Hall, the colony of Carolina split into two independent colonies: North and South Carolina. South Carolina quickly became a beacon of civilization in the New World, prospering heavily from the fertility of the Low Country, its multitude of coastal harbors, and the several local pizza joints where farmers, laborers, and local DJs would retire after a hard days work to split a pizza and have a few brews. We here at WUSC appreciate the impact pizza had in the building of this great state, and that's why on Monday, March 25th, we're teaming up with Mellow Mushroom for Percent Night. All you have to do is show up, buy some food, and make sure to tell 'em WUSC sent ya, and a percentage of the profits from your meal will go directly toward funding the station that you know and love. It's easy, patriotic, and gets you a belly full of delicious pizza.

Mellow Mushroom is located at 1009 Gervais Street, Columbia SC 29201 in the Vista. For more information and a full menu, visit their website at Your station thanks you.

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