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mtvU Woodie Nominations: Best College Radio Station 2013

A wise man named Andy Dufresne once said, "...if you've come this far, maybe you're willing to come a little further." Well, MTVU is hosting their annual Woodie Awards and we're counting on you to help WUSC make the cut, win that cut, and then cut the rest of the competition into little pieces and consume them in front of their loved ones. Go to and fill out your name, email, and type "WUSC" in the nomination box. Then tell your friends, family, loved ones, pets, mistresses, that weird guy who drinks milk in front of the gas station, President Obama, ANYONE with an email address, to go and vote for WUSC. We've been on the airwaves in some shape or form since 1946 (that's 66 years) but we never could have made it this far without your love and support. YOU are what drives WUSC and its DJs to do what we do every day. And we are eternally grateful. Now we're asking you to come a little further with us. Help us to be recognized as the best. Sincerely, The WUSC Staff and DJ Body  

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